Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

It is time to write the 




Today's Tasks:

1. Bell Quiz #6 -- Sentence Errors

a. Go to the link below and take the quiz:

Bell Quiz #6

b. Class review of the test.

2. Grammar - Paragraph Editing Skills

a. Download, make a copy, and rename the following assignment.

Paragraph Editing Skills #1

b. Complete the practice sheet per the directions.
c. Discuss as a class. Q&A.

3. Intro to the Personal Narrative Essay Assignment

a. Download and make a copy of the following assignment guidelines.

b. Take notes on the Guidelines as we discuss the assignment in class.
c. Begin to brainstorm ideas for the essay.
d. Have three ideas ready for next class.

4. Reading - Narratives (Short Stories)

a. Go to the following link and read the story "Priscilla and the Wimps"

"Priscilla and the Wimps"

b. Create a new document with the title similar to the example given below:

c. Write a summary and response to "Priscilla and the Wimps"
d. Be ready to participate in class discussions of the story as well as know the story for quizzes and tests.

5. Vocabulary Sentences Assignment 

a. Write vocabulary sentences for 81-90
b. You should now have sentences for 1-90.

6. Homework/Assignments

a. Complete the Paragraph Editing Skills #1 Practice Sheet.
b. Have three ideas for your Personal Narrative ready by next class.
c. Read "Priscilla and the Wimps" and write a summary and response by next class.
d. Write vocabulary sentences for words 81-90 should be completed by next class. You should have 1-90 now.
e. Make sure you are reading your Home Reading Book daily until finished. IT IS DUE NEXT WEEK!

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