Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 222-229 in The Rent Collector (As a class today!)
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

2. Vocabulary

a. Study new words 281-290
b. Know all vocabulary words for the quarter (201-290)

3. Finalizing Research, Works Cited, and Outline

a. Complete all research.
b. Have all Works Cited and Note Cards Finished in Noodle Tools by the end of class today.
c. Have the Outline Finished by the end of class today!

4. Writing the Essay

a. The team leader will create a Google Doc titled Group Argumentation Essay.
g. The team leader will share the Google Doc with all members of the group.
h. As a group begin to draft the essay. 1st Draft will be due at the end of next class.

5. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish. THIS WILL BE NEXT WEEK!
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.
d. 1st Draft of Group Argument Essay... Due next class!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 212-221 in The Rent Collector (As a class today!)
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

2. Argumentative Essay Group Project - 

Deeper Notes Continued...

a. Load the following notes sheet again:
b. Discuss Logos, Ethos, and Pathos
c. Discuss Logical Fallacies.
d. Videos showing fallacies in argument. 

3. Writing the Essay - The Steps

a. Complete research. 
b. Select at least six sources.
c. Document your six sources in the Works Cited Section of Noodle Tools.
d. Write your notecards and connect each one to the sources in your Works Cited section of Noodle Tools.
e. Write an outline in Noodle Tools following the example outline format given below:

Argument Essay Outline

f. The team leader will create a Google Doc titled Group Argumentation Essay.
g. The team leader will share the Google Doc with all members of the group.
h. As a group begin to draft the essay.

4. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz Today

a. No bell quiz today... say, "Thank you, Mr. Christensen!"

2. Argumentative Essay Group Project - Deeper Notes

a. Download the following notes sheet:
b. Read through the notes and discuss them as a group.
c. We will discuss them as a class.
d. Discuss Claim, Data, Warrant, Backing, Counterclaim, and Rebuttal
e. Videos showing fallacies in argument. 

3. Argument Essay Outline

a. Use the following organization when you write an outline:

Argument Essay Outline

b. Discuss this outline as a basis for your writing plan.

4. Begin Research

a. Finalize your topic choice.
b. Divide up reading and researching.
c. Begin reading the articles for and against the topic of your choice.
d. Make assignments for group members to accomplish.

5. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 194-211 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?
          3. Special Response - In addition to today's normal                               summary and response, answer the following two                         questions: What does the healing method like? What                   is the connection to Sang Ly's family and the Healer?

6. Vocabulary

a. Continue to study this quarter's vocabulary list. So far you should know from 201-270...

b. Study and know these words for quizzes and tests.

7. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz Today

a. No bell quiz today... say, "Thank you, Mr. Christensen!"

2. Vocabulary List #261-270 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 261-270 and know all words for the quarter 201-270.

3. Argumentative Essay Group Project - Introduction to the Argumentative Essay Assignment 

a. Download the following assignment sheet:

b. Discuss the assignment as a group and as a class.
c. Go to the Pioneer Library's "SIRS Issue Researcher." You can use the following link.

SIRS Issues Researcher

d. As a group, look through the many topics on the list. Choose one that you are ALL willing to work on together.
e. Begin reading the articles for and against the topic of your choice.
f. Be ready to start narrowing down a thesis idea by next class.
g. Make assignments for group members to accomplish.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 175-193 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

5. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Midterm Exam!

a. Go to the following link and take the midterm:

Midterm Exam

b. When finished with the Midterm, quietly move on and complete the following tasks.

2. Vocabulary List #251-260 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 251-260 and know all words for the quarter 201-260.

3. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 159-174 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

4. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz - No Bell Quiz Today!

a. Say, "Thank you, Mr. Christensen!"

2. Grammar - Verbals continued

a. Review and correct the following worksheet:

Verbals Worksheet #1

b. Download, make a copy and rename the worksheet according to the following example: 


Verbals Worksheet #2

c. Complete this worksheet by next class.

3. Vocabulary List #251-260 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 251-260 and know all words for the quarter 201-260.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 144-158 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

5. Midterm

a. Study for the midterm using the following study guide:

6. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Study for Midterm
d. Make sure you have completed all work from above.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #6

a. Click on the link below and take today's bell quiz.

Bell Quiz #6

2. Grammar - Verbals - Infinitives!

a. Download, make a copy and rename the worksheet according to the following example: 


Verbals Worksheet #1

3. Vocabulary List #251-260 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 251-260 and know all words for the quarter 201-260.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 129-143 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

5. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure you have completed all work from above.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #5

a. Click on the link below and take today's bell quiz.

Bell Quiz #5

2. Grammar - Verbals - Infinitives!

a. Continue to study Gerunds and Participles...
b. If you have not downloaded the following link and made a copy so you can take notes, do that now.

Verbal - Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives Notes

b. We will discuss and take notes on "Infinitives" today.

3. Vocabulary List #241-250 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 241-250 and know all words for the quarter 201-250.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 117-128 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

5. Home Reading

a. We will continue to check off your January Home Reading for those that did not complete this last class!
b. Choose a new book for February. Submitting your choice for February to the form below!

Home Reading Selection Form

6. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. You can pass it off as soon as you finish.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure you have completed all work from above.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz - No Bell Quiz Today...

a. Say, "Thank you, Mr. Christensen!"

2. Grammar - Verbals - No new grammar today!

a. Continue to study Gerunds and Participles...
b. If you have not downloaded the following link and made a copy so you can take notes, do that now.

Verbal - Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives Notes

b. We will discuss and take notes on "Infinitives" next class.

3. Vocabulary List #241-250 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 241-250 and know all words for the quarter 201-250.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 104-116 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

c. Submit your reading log from Page 1-116 to the form below. Each entry must be divided by a summary and response.

Assignment Submission Form

5. Finish KWL from Cambodia Presentation

a. Here is a link to the powerpoint presentation that was given in class. Use it to finish the KWL...

Cambodia Presentation

b. Complete the KWL Worksheet and Submit to the form below.

Cambodia KWL

Assignment Submission Form

6. Home Reading

a. We will be checking off your January Home Reading today!
b. Choose a new book for February. We will be submitting your choice for February next class!

7. Homework

a. Choose new reading book for February. We will submit that choice/selection next class.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure you have completed all work from above.