Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz - No Bell Quiz Today...

a. Say, "Thank you, Mr. Christensen!"

2. Grammar - Verbals - No new grammar today!

a. Continue to study Gerunds and Participles...
b. If you have not downloaded the following link and made a copy so you can take notes, do that now.

Verbal - Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives Notes

b. We will discuss and take notes on "Infinitives" next class.

3. Vocabulary List #241-250 

a. Continue to study this week's word list 241-250 and know all words for the quarter 201-250.

4. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 104-116 in The Rent Collector
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

c. Submit your reading log from Page 1-116 to the form below. Each entry must be divided by a summary and response.

Assignment Submission Form

5. Finish KWL from Cambodia Presentation

a. Here is a link to the powerpoint presentation that was given in class. Use it to finish the KWL...

Cambodia Presentation

b. Complete the KWL Worksheet and Submit to the form below.

Cambodia KWL

Assignment Submission Form

6. Home Reading

a. We will be checking off your January Home Reading today!
b. Choose a new book for February. We will be submitting your choice for February next class!

7. Homework

a. Choose new reading book for February. We will submit that choice/selection next class.
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure you have completed all work from above.

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