Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Midterm Exam -- Today!

a. Download and take the exam...

2. Grade Check

a. When you are finished with the Midterm, check your grades to make sure they are correct and up to date. 
b. See me if you find any mistakes or have some work to submit.
c. The midterm grades will be loaded as soon as the class finishes the midterm, so check how your score affects your grade.

3. Homework

a. Make sure you finish your November Home Reading book over the Thanksgiving Break. We will pass off the book as soon as we get back.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Be ready to start the research/informative essay when we get back!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No bell quiz today...

a. Say thank you...

2. Grammar - Parallel Structure

a. Parallel Structure - Lesson and Notes - Included here again for anyone who missed them:
Parallel Structure Lesson Notes

b. Parallel Structure Worksheet #2- Correct and discuss.
Parallel Structure Worksheet #2

3. Vocabulary

a. If you have not submitted sentences 101-200 to the following submission form, do so now.
2nd Quarter Submission Form

b. Make sure you are studying all words thoroughly.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Final Discussion. Watch linked video clip and then discuss all the connections the book makes within itself:
Five People Video Clip

b. Share the connections that you see.
c. Submit your complete Five People Reading Log to the submission link below:
2nd Quarter Submission Form

5. Midterm Exam 

a. Create a study card for the quiz using the study guide linked below:

b. Study and prepare for the Midterm Exam which will be next class.

6. Homework

a. Make sure you are keeping up on your November Home Reading book. Pass off the book as soon as you finish so you will not forget details.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Prepare and study for Midterm Exam which is next class!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #13 - Parallel Structure and Vocabulary

a. Download and take the quiz:
Bell Quiz #13

2. Grammar - Parallel Structure

a. Parallel Structure - Lesson and Notes - Included here again for anyone who missed them last class:
Parallel Structure Lesson Notes

b. Parallel Structure Worksheet #1- Review and Discuss
Parallel Structure Worksheet #1

c. Parallel Structure Worksheet #2- Download, make a copy, practice, and share.
Parallel Structure Worksheet #2

3. Vocabulary

a. Submit sentences 101-200 to the following submission form.
2nd Quarter Submission Form

b. Make sure you are studying all words thoroughly.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 179-196-End
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log
d. Write as many things that connect with one another in the story... example Nick's key which kills Eddie is similar to Eddie's baseball that kills the Blue Man. Etc. 
e. Be ready to share with the class.

5. Homework

a. Make sure you are keeping up on your November Home Reading book. Pass off the book as soon as you finish so you will not forget details.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 179-196-End.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #12 - Pronoun Case and Vocabulary

a. Download and take the quiz:
Bell Quiz #12

2. Grammar - Parallel Structure

a. Parallel Structure - Lesson and Notes - Download, Make a Copy and Take Your Own Notes:
Parallel Structure Lesson Notes

b. Parallel Structure Worksheet #1- Download, Make a Copy, and Complete:
Parallel Structure Worksheet #1

3. Vocabulary

a. Write sentences and study the new words 191-200. You should now have sentences for 101-200.
c. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for 2nd Quarter.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 164-178
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

5. Homework

a. Make sure you are keeping up on your November Home Reading book. Pass off the book as soon as you finish so you will not forget details.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 164-178.
d. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 191-200. You should now have 101-200.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz 

a. Say thank you!

2. Grammar

a. Pronoun Case Final Review - BIG Final discussion. Ask questions that need to be clarified before we move on!

3. Vocabulary

a. Write sentences and study the new words 181-190. You should now have sentences for 101-190.
c. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for 2nd Quarter.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 146-163
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

5. Homework

a. Make sure you are keeping up on your November Home Reading book. Pass off the book as soon as you finish so you will not forget details.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 146-163.
d. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 181-190. You should now have 101-190.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz 

a. Say thank you!

2. Grammar

a. The pronoun case notes are included again for all those that may need to see them again.

b. Pronoun Case Worksheet #2 - Correct and Discuss 
Pronoun Case Worksheet #2

3. Vocabulary

a. If you have not submitted your vocabulary sentences for 101-160 to the submission form linked below, please do so NOW!
Assignment Submission Form

b. Write sentences and study the new words 171-180. You should now have sentences for 101-180.
c. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for 2nd Quarter.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 132-145
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log
d. Submit your Five People reading log for pages 1-145 today to the link provided below:
Reading Logs for 1-145 Submission Form

5. Homework

a. Make sure you are keeping up on your November Home Reading book. We are 12 days into November. You should be more than a 1/3 the way through the book. Pass off the book as soon as you finish so you will not forget details.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 132-145.
d. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 171-180. You should now have 101-180.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz 

a. Say thank you!

2. Grammar

a. The pronoun case notes are included again for all those that may need to see them again.

b. Pronoun Case Worksheet #1 - Discuss and Correct
Pronoun Case Worksheet #1

c. Pronoun Case Worksheet #2 - Download and complete the worksheet.
Pronoun Case Worksheet #2

3. Vocabulary

a. Please submit your vocabulary sentences for 101-160 to the submission form linked below:
Assignment Submission Form

b. Write sentences and study the new words 161-170. You should now have sentences for 101-170.
c. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for 2nd Quarter.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 120-131
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

5. Home Reading Check-off

a. While the above reading assignment is being completed, we will finish the oral book reports.
b. If you have not submitted your book for November Home Reading, you need to submit the book to the following link:

6. Homework

a. Last day for the HOME READING CHECK-OFF FOR OCTOBER. Submit your choice for your November reading by next class.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 120-131.
d. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 161-170. You should now have 101-170.
e. Complete the Pronoun Case Worksheet #2 by next class.
f. Submit your vocabulary sentences 101-160 by next class if you have not done so yet.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #11

a. Click on the following link and take today's quiz:
Bell Quiz #11

2. Grammar

a. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #2 - Discuss and Correct
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #2 

b. Pronoun Case Notes and Lesson - Download, make a copy, and take notes as we discuss the importance of understanding pronoun case.

c. Pronoun Case Worksheet #1 - Download, make a copy, and complete the worksheet.

3. Vocabulary

a. Write sentences and study the new words 151-160. You should now have sentences for 101-160.
b. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for 2nd Quarter.

4. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 98-119
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

5. Home Reading Check-off

a. While the above reading assignment is being completed, we will continue to have the oral book reports
b. This may continue in to next class. 
c. Choose your book for November and submit the book to the following link:

6. Homework

a. HOME READING CHECK-OFF FOR OCTOBER DUE TODAY. Submit your choice for your November reading.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
c. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 98-119.
d. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 151-160. You should now have 101-160.
e. Complete the Pronoun Case Worksheet #1 by next class.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz -- No Bell Quiz Today.

a. Say Thank You... 

2. Many of you have not submitted your Personal Narrative Self-Reflection Report. It now is getting very OVERDUE. If you have not submitted it do so now!

a. Submit your Personal Narrative Self-Reflection Report by going to the following link:

3. Grammar

a. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #1 - Discuss and Correct
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #1

b. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #2 - Homework. Have this practice sheet completed by next class.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #2

4. Vocabulary

a. Write sentences and study the new words 141-150. You should now have sentences for 101-150.
b. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for bell quizzes and tests.

5. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 80-97
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

6. Home Reading Check-off

a. While the above reading assignment is being completed, we will begin to have the oral book reports
b. This may continue into next class. 
c. Choose your book for November and submit the book to the following link:

Perfect Paragraph #1 Assignment 

a. The last two classes we had an assignment to write a Perfect Paragraph response to the article entitled "Welcome Back, My Ungrammatical Students." 
b. We are going to share a few in front of the class and critique them. 
c. We will then exchange paragraphs with two people and critique each others Perfect Paragraph #1

7. Homework

a. HOME READING CHECK-OFF FOR OCTOBER DUE TODAY. Submit your choice for your November reading.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
d. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 80-97.
e. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 141-150. You should now have 101-150.
f. Revise your Perfect Paragraph assignment on the "Welcome Back, My Ungrammatical Students" article by next class.
g. Complete the Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Worksheet #2.