Thursday, September 5, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Do you like to read on an electronic device? Or, do you prefer an old fashion book? Take the survey...

Today's Tasks:

1. Complete the following Library Survey

a. Go to the following link and complete the survey. No bell quiz for today... Say thank you Mr. Christensen.

Library Survey

2. Grammar - Independent and Dependent Clauses

a. Open the link to the Independent and Dependent Clauses Practice Sheet #1

b. File > Make a Copy > Rename it according to the following example:

c. Follow the directions and complete the worksheet.

3. Reading Of Mice and Men 

a. Read Of Mice and Men pgs. 71-80.
b. Open your reading log and do an entry for today's reading. Remember to do a summary and response.
c. Discussion...

4. Vocabulary

a. Submit Vocabulary Sentences 1-40 to the following submission form: 

Assignment Submission Form

b. This will be graded.
c. Discuss the first 21-40 words on the list.
d. Share some of the sentences the students have written.
e. Write sentences for words 41-50. You should have sentences for 1-50 by next class. 
f. Remember to use the study helps I have created for the vocabulary. It works! I have attached a link here:

Vocabulary Practice

g. Study the vocabulary words... take the remaining time in class to study the vocabulary words.

5. Homework/Assignments

a. Complete a reading log entry for Of Mice and Men pgs. 71-80
b. Write sentences for words 41-50. You should have sentences for 1-50 by next class.
c. Make sure you are reading your Home Reading Book daily until finished.
d. Complete the Independent and Dependent Clauses Practice Sheet #1
e. Study vocabulary and grammar for a bell quiz next class.
f. Specifically study the Magic Grammar Sheet thoroughly for next class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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