Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's Tasks

1. Bell Quiz #9 -- Subject Verb Agreement and Vocabulary

a. Go to the following link, login, and complete today's bell quiz.

Bell Quiz #9

2. Submit Personal Narrative Self-Reflection Report

a. Submit your Personal Narrative Self-Reflection Report by going to the following link:

3. Grammar

a. Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet #2 - Correction and Sharing

Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet #2 

b. Final questions and thoughts on Subject-Verb Agreement

4. Vocabulary

a. Write sentences and study the new words 121-130. You should now have sentences for 101-130.
b. You need to continue to study all the vocabulary words, but focus especially on the new words for bell quizzes and tests.

5. Reading

a. The Five People You Meet in Heaven Introduction
b. Reading Assignment: Read pages 39-55
c. Write a summary and response in your Five People Reading Log

6. Intro to Academic Essays

a. The difference from Narrative to Academic
b. The Core Requirements: Narrative, Informative, and Argumentative
c. 2nd Quarter's Focus: Informative Essays
d. The task of the Informative vs Argumentative

7. Perfect Paragraphs

a. The foundation of good essay writing is good paragraph writing.
b. Download the following Perfect Paragraph Notes:

c. Study these notes and prepare to write paragraphs that are much more unified, coherent, and developed.

8. Writing Response Assignment

a. Download the following article and read it carefully:

"Welcome Back, My Ungrammatical Students"

b. Create a new document entitled Perfect Paragraph #1.
c. Write a "Perfect Paragraph" relating your thoughts in 3rd Person Academic writing. Use evidence from the article to support your topic sentence.

9. Homework

a. Continue to read your home reading book. It will be due at the beginning of November. If you finish before then, you can and should pass the book off before you start to forget the main parts of the book.
b. Study your vocabulary and grammar daily.
d. Complete the reading and reading log assignments for The Five People You Meet in Heaven Pgs. 39-55.
e. Complete vocabulary sentences for words 121-130. You should now have 101-130.
f. Complete the Perfect Paragraph assignment on the "Welcome Back, My Ungrammatical Students" article by next class.

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