Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Introduction to Shakespeare

a. Download, read, and use the following reading selection about the life and times of William Shakespeare to answer the questions of the worksheet.

Life and Times of Shakespeare - Reading

b. Download make a copy and rename the worksheet according to the following example: 


Shakespeare Biography Quiz

3. Review as a Class

a. Review and discuss the life and writing ability of William Shakespeare.

4. Introduction to Poetry

a. A definition of two...
b. Rhyming isn't everything, but it is something
c. Best definition: "Poetry is the best words in the best order." Samuel Coolridge

5. Poem Memorization Assignment

a. Download the following Poem Memorization Assignment.

b. Read and discuss the expectations as a class.
c. You will be given a poem from a list at random. This is the poem you will read, prepare, and present on for this assignment.

6. Bad Love Poem

a. As an intro to writing poetry, we are going to write a "Bad" poem on purpose. 
b. Download, make a copy, and rename it according to the following example: A2_AndersonM_BadLovePoem

Bad Love Poem

 c. Read the following assignment, follow the rules, and write the poem.

7. Submit Home Reading Selection for April

a. Submit your choice for your April home reading.

8. Vocabulary

a. No new words but study again all the previous words. For next class study 1-30.

9. Homework

a. Continue to read your Home Reading Book for April. It will be due at the beginning of May.
b. Keep up on all assignments given today.

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