Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Introduction to Shakespeare Plays

a. The Five Act Play... Read this short explanation of Shakespeare's Five Act Play Structure.

Shakespeare's Five Act Play Structure

b. Create a new document in your google drive and name it according to the following example:


c. Write a summary and response to each day's reading during our reading of Much Ado About Nothing.

2. Reading

a. Read Much Ado About Nothing Act I: Scenes I, II, II pages 1-12 as a class.
b. We will read it and act it out minimally to get a feel for the characters and the story.
c. Write your reading summary and response in your reading log.

3. Poetry Writing

a. Share Bad Love Poem assignment from last class.
b. Read the following narrative poem:

Narrative Poem Assignment - Example: Casey at the Bat

c. Write a narrative poem following the example and assignment above.

4. Poem Memorization Assignment

a. Continue to work on your Poem Memorization assignment. Here is the assignment guidelines reattached.

b. This assignment in due May 13th. 

5. Submit Home Reading Selection for April

a. If you have not submitted your choice for your April home reading do so today.

6. Vocabulary

a. No new words but study again all the previous words. For next class study 1-60.

7. Homework

a. Continue to read your Home Reading Book for April. It will be due at the beginning of May.
b. Keep up on all assignments given today.

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