Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today's Tasks

1. Reading and Summarizing

a. Read pages 241-249 in The Rent Collector (As a class today!)
b. Complete the reading and then in your Reading Log do the following two things:
          1. A summary- A paragraph summarizing the key points 
                  and events.
          2. A response - A paragraph responding to the things that
                  occurred in the reading. What do you think?

2. Vocabulary

a. Study new words 190-200
b. Know all vocabulary words for the quarter (201-300)

3. Writing the Essay

a. First Draft of the Essay must be complete today!
b. Once you finish the First Draft... reread it as a group and clean up as many issues as you can.
c. As a group, use the following Final Group Review Sheet to do one final review:

Argument Final Group Review Sheet

d. Submit your final draft to turnitin.com through the team leader's account. 


5. Homework

a. Be reading your book for February. We will pass them off NEXT CLASS!
b. Study vocabulary and grammar daily to be ready for bell quizzes and tests.
c. Make sure all grades are made up within a week of the due date.
d. Final Draft of Group Argument Essay Due at the beginning of NEXT CLASS!

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